A Quick Guide to Pink Eye

A Quick Guide to Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis, or more commonly known as Pinkeye, is a highly contagious infection of the eye. It is known as Pinkeye because the white of the eye tends to take on a pink or red color when it is infected. The infection is most commonly caused by a virus, bacteria, or...
Tips To Eye Protection Playing Sports

Tips To Eye Protection Playing Sports

In many sports, people don’t take the proper precaution of wearing protective eye gear. Eye care when playing sports is just as important as helmets, knee and elbow pads, and braces. When playing physical sports, it is still possible to have eye injuries such as a...
How To Protect Your Eyes From Sun Damage

How To Protect Your Eyes From Sun Damage

Spring time means longer sunny days in the Pacific Northwest. When it’s sunny out, it’s a good idea to apply plenty of sunscreen when wego outside and dark sunglasses as we walk. While skin cancer is the first health issue that comes up involving the intense...