Are you experiencing a little trouble with your vision? Are things generally blurrier, like someone has adjusted the focus on a camera lens, except that lens is your eyesight?

Cataracts is a condition that makes one’s vision blurrier over time. It can be frightening to experience symptoms of cataracts, and you’ll likely want to be positive that you do have cataracts before you take any steps.

Cataracts is caused by the proteins in one’s retina clumping up and diluting the quality of light that reaches through the lens of the retina. It seems that most natural formations of cataracts are a result of protein clumping. Things like smoking and other non-natural causes my be a result of something else clouding the retina.

If you are experiencing symptoms or are curious about treatment options for cataracts, you will find some of the most common symptoms and treatments here.

Common Symptoms of Cataracts

A cataract begins with a little amount of blur, gradually developing into something more serious. You may experience a slight blur, almost as though you’re looking through a smudged window.

Additionally, you may experience more sensitivity to lights and colors. Things like headlights and lamp posts may glare and streak as they appear in your vision. This is a result of the protein clump misdirecting the light coming into the retina.


If your cataracts get too severe to be aided by corrective lenses, your only option for treatment is surgery. It’s important to consider whether your cataracts is having a debilitating effect on your life. Surgery can be complicated, and if the symptoms are not so bad that you can maintain normal life, you should consider whether or not surgery is the best option.

Essentially, cataracts surgery requires that a doctor remove the lens that is experiencing blurry vision. A new lens is placed in the spot where your natural lens was. At that point it settles and becomes your permanent lens.

The procedure is typically quick, not requiring the patient to stay very long after the operation is complete. The doctor also uses an anesthetic, allowing you to stay awake during the procedure.

While the procedure is generally safe and seamless, there is a risk of complications after the surgery. Things like infection or leakage can occur after the surgery.

If you’re experiencing a cataract in both eyes, the surgeon will perform operations one after another, allowing the first eye to heal before working on the next. For obvious reasons, this prevents someone from being blind for a few days while the procedures heal.

If you are experiencing symptoms of cataracts, be sure to contact Innovations in Eyecare as soon as possible to schedule an appointment with an optometrist in Centralia. Waiting to speak with a professional doesn’t necessarily increase your chances of permanent damage, but the procedure is quick and easy, and you won’t have to suffer through experiencing poor vision for much longer. Find out if you have cataracts and treatment options by scheduling an appointment with Innovations in Eyecare today.