Eyecare News

How Can Diabetes Affect My Vision?

How Can Diabetes Affect My Vision?

Diabetes has a major short-term and long-term impacts on your vision. In fact, the high levels of blood sugar in the body can cause permanent distortion of the eyes. Studies have proven that the major cause of blindness is diabetes. It can cause vision conditions like...

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Types, Treatments, And Causes Of Color Blindness

Types, Treatments, And Causes Of Color Blindness

People share a common color vision sensory, but a few have a lack of color sensory, in which their sight of colors is different from the rest of us. This is called color blindness and people with it are not aware of differences in colors compared to others. People...

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Tips To Eye Protection Playing Sports

Tips To Eye Protection Playing Sports

In many sports, people don’t take the proper precaution of wearing protective eye gear. Eye care when playing sports is just as important as helmets, knee and elbow pads, and braces. When playing physical sports, it is still possible to have eye injuries such as a...

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Common Lens Styles

Common Lens Styles

It may seem as though there is just one style of eyeglass lens, but this simply isn’t true. There is a whole host of different lens types, and these correspond with your preferences of style, and the need that you have as a person with visual impairment. It is...

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Cataracts Symptoms and Treatments

Cataracts Symptoms and Treatments

Are you experiencing a little trouble with your vision? Are things generally blurrier, like someone has adjusted the focus on a camera lens, except that lens is your eyesight? Cataracts is a condition that makes one’s vision blurrier over time. It can be frightening...

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